BIAS FX 2 Plug-in Display Issues on Windows: Cut Off or Too Large

How to use this guide

The latest version of BIAS FX 2 now supports High DPI displays. However, please note that certain display settings in DAWs might cause incorrect rendering.

If the BIAS FX 2 plug-in is cut off or not displayed correctly in the DAW, try adjusting the settings in specific DAWs:





Ableton Live

1. Insert BIAS FX 2 on the audio track.

2. Right-click on BIAS FX 2's device block and ensure the 'Auto-Scale Plug-In Window' is disabled.

For more information, please check the link below:

Ableton Live - High-DPI monitor support



1. Insert BIAS FX 2 on the audio track.

2. Open the BIAS FX 2 plug-in window and then close it.

Note: The display cutoff issue occurs only the first time you insert the BIAS FX 2 plug-in on the track.

3. Reopen the BIAS FX 2 plug-in window.



1. Close REAPER.

2. Right-click on the REAPER icon and select Properties.

3. In the Compatibility section, enable 'Override high DPI scaling behavior.' and select scaling performed by: "System".

4. Launch REAPER and insert BIAS FX 2 again.



1. Close Reason.

2. Right-click on the Reason icon and select Properties.

3. In the Compatibility section, enable 'Override high DPI scaling behavior.' and select scaling performed by: "System".

4. Launch Reason and insert BIAS FX 2 again.


Pro Tools

1. Close Pro Tools.

2. Right-click on the Pro Tools icon and select Properties.

3. In the Compatibility section, enable 'Override high DPI scaling behavior.' and select scaling performed by: "System".

4. Launch Pro Tools and insert BIAS FX 2 again.


For more information, please check the article below:

Pro Tools and 4K Resolution Monitors on Windows


Studio One

1. Close Studio One.

2. Right-click on the Studio One and select Properties.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 132327.png

3. In the Compatibility section, enable 'Override high DPI scaling behavior.' and select scaling performed by: "System".

4. Launch Studio One and insert BIAS FX 2 again.


5. Enable the High DPI Mode in Options in Studio One.​



If you still run into the same issue, please follow the instructions below:

Change the size of text in Windows to 100%

Adjust the text size in Windows by setting the text size scaling to 100% in the system settings.

To change the size of text on Windows 10 or 11, please check out Change the size of text in Windows (Microsoft).


Change the display scaling to 100%

Another option to consider is adjusting the display scaling for your monitor in Windows display settings, which may also help address the issue.

To change the display settings on Windows 10 or 11, please see View display settings in Windows (Microsoft).



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