Please follow the steps below:
For Mac
1) Launch Live, go to ‘Live -> Preferences -> File folder’
2) Make sure the ‘Use Audio Unints’ and ‘Use VST Plug-in System Folders’ have turned on.
3) If steps above are not working, please try the ‘Rescan Plug-ins’
For Windows
1) Launch Live, go to ‘Options -> Preferences -> File folder’
2) Make sure the ‘Use VST Plug-in System Folders’ have turned on.
3) Please make sure the correct location is chosen on the VST Plug-in Custom Folder option. The location of plug-in files depend on your setting during installation. The default locations are as below:
32bits - C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins
64bits - C:\Program Files\VstPlugins
4) If steps above are not working, please try the ‘Rescan Plug-ins’