How to Restore My Modified Factory Presets?

Nov 1 Screenshot from Slack.png

Updating factory presets in BIAS FX 2 will reset all the factory presets to the latest configuration, deleting all custom settings, including any changes you've made.

Please rest assured that your personal presets in the User Banks will NOT be affected.


To safeguard your modified factory presets from being reset during the update, before updating the factory presets, it's highly recommended to back them up using Cloud Banks. Cloud Banks sync your presets across devices as long as you're connected to the internet and logged in with the same Positive Grid account. For more details, refer to this article.


BIAS FX 2 automatically creates a backup folder for factory presets before updating. If you've upgraded the factory presets without backing them up, you can still restore them (downgrade) by following these steps:


1. Close BIAS FX 2.


2.  Locate the backup folder in the following path (it's named 'BIAS_FX2_BACKUP-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx...'):

macOS: '/Documents/PositiveGrid/'

Windows: '\Documents\PositiveGrid\'


3. Inside the backup folder, find the 'GlobalPresets' folder.


4. Duplicate the 'GlobalPresets' folder from the backup folder and paste it into the 'BIAS_FX2' folder.


5. If prompted, select 'Replace'. 

6. Launch BIAS FX 2 again. You should now find your modified factory presets restored.



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