Connect Spark EDGE to the Spark Control X

Before you begin

  1. Update the Spark app to the latest version.
    Spark Amp Editor App Update History / Release Notes (iOS)
    Spark Amp Editor App Update History / Release Notes (Android)

  2. Update the Spark EDGE & Spark Control X to the latest firmware:
    Spark EDGE Firmware Update (Tutorial Video)

Tutorial Video


  1. Power on the Spark EDGE and Spark Control X.
    EDGE CTRL X.png

  2. Long-press the Pair Button on the rear panel of the Spark EDGE until both Bluetooth indicator and wireless indicator LEDs on the top panel light up.

  3. When the Spark Control X is connected to the Spark EDGE, the Bluetooth indicator on the Spark Control X will remain solid. This indicates you can now control the Spark EDGE using the Spark Control X.

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