Indicators (Power, Connect)

Power Indicator

Indicates battery status.

Solid Green: Powered on / Battery level 76-100%
Solid Yellow: Powered on / Battery level 26-50%
Solid Red: Powered on / Battery level under 25%
Blinking Red (3 times): Powered on / Battery level 0% (unable to power up)
Flashing Green/Yellow/Red: Charging


Connect Indicators

Indicates the status of the connection between the Spark Control X and the amp or app:

Solid Blue on AMP/APP: Connected to the amp/app

Flashing Blue on AMP & APP: Ready for Pairing


Button Indicators

The buttons on the Spark Control X feature different color indicators that represent specific commands in different modes. Here's what each color signifies:

Stomp Box

White: Toggle Gate On/Off 

Blue: Toggle Comp/Wah On/Off 

Orange: Toggle Drive On/Off 

Purple: Toggle Mod/EQ On/Off 

Pink: Toggle Delay On/Off 

Light Blue: Toggle Reverb On/Off 


YouTube Control

White: Jump to Start of Video

Red: Fast Forward 10s

Yellow: Rewind 10s

White: Swithc to 0.5/0.8/1.0x Playback Speed


Music Control

Green: Play/Pause Music Playback


Looper Mode
Use Spark Control X to control onboard Looper on the Spark 2

These color indicators make it easy to identify and control different effects on your Spark amp.


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