Guitar Match

1. Match source guitar

The Guitar Match is located in the middle left of the bottom bar. It is the initial stage of the signal flow where you can shape the sound of your guitar and match it to the characteristics of another guitar. To activate this module, make sure to switch the flip switch to the "ON" position.


The first step is to match your instrument. Please select your body shape to create a match page (you can refer to the graphic to see which type your instrument is).  Here we take an LP-style guitar as an example:




Then select the correct pickup configuration according to your instrument:



And choose a pickup position to begin the matching process.

When measuring your pickup output, please turn your volume on your guitar to maximum, and play several notes using your usual single note articulation until it shows “Complete”



If you're encountered with the 'No Signal' message, please go to the Audio Setting tab and make sure the Input is set to 'Mono', not 'Stereo.



In the matching step, please follow the instructions on screen. Play an arpeggio in different positions on your guitar. If your input is successful, you’ll see the dot of each string become solid. Repeat the process from open position to the 12th fret and the matching step will be finished.



2. Select target guitar



After successfully matching your instrument, you can match another pickup position, or go to target guitar page. On this page, you can select up to 18 different boutique guitars (Elite license) to choose from, and you can adjust some details to suit your personal preferences. Please find the full list of all the target guitar specs we provide in this link: Guitar Match List.


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