How do I find my Experience Jimi Hendrix™ for Spark Contents

The Experience Jimi Hendrix™ content is seamlessly integrated into the Spark app. Once you purchase the license, it unlocks this exclusive content, making it immediately accessible within the app—no additional downloads required.


Ensure you are logged into the same account (email) you used to purchase the expansion pack in the Spark app.


To access the contents of Experience Jimi Hendrix™ for Spark, double-tap on the amp or an effect pedal, and they should appear as selectable options:

image (70).png




My Experience Jimi Hendrix™ for Spark amps and effects still show as locked

If you purchased your license directly through the Spark app, go to the Music page and tap the Experience Jimi Hendrix™ banner. In the pop-up window, select Already Purchased? to restore your purchase.





If you purchased your Experience Jimi Hendrix™ for Spark license through our website, log out and then log back into your account. Ensure that you are using the same email address you used to complete the purchase. (If you haven’t already, you may need to create a Positive Grid account with that email.)



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