How to Find/Record with BIAS FX 2 in REAPER?

On macOS:


Tutorial Video:


1. Please log in to the download page, download & install the AU/VST version of BIAS FX 2.

macOS AU.jpg

2. Launch REAPER and navigate to REAPER -> Preferences -> Plug-ins -> VST:

3. Make sure you've set the correct VST plug-in path in VST Plug-ins settings.
The default location is as below:

4. If the steps above are not working, try to Clear cache/Re-scan.

5. If you can’t find BIAS FX 2 in the Audio Units plug-in, please relaunch REAPER and it will scan all AU plugins again on your computer.

On Windows:


1. Please log in to the download page, download & install the BIAS FX 2.

Win 64.jpg


2. Make sure the VST/VST3/AAX files are installed in the following paths: 


If you'd like to change the install location for a specific section, please click the corresponding "Browse" button on the right.

*We'd strongly recommend keeping the install location as default.

3. Launch REAPER and navigate to Options -> Preferences -> Plug-ins -> VST:

4. Make sure the correct location is added to the VST plug-in paths text box. The location of plug-in files depends on your settings during installation. The default locations are as follows:
'C:\Program Files\VstPlugins'

5) If the steps above are not working, please try the Clear cache / Re-scan option

Further reading:

Recording Audio in REAPER
How to Record Guitar in REAPER 
BIAS FX 2 Plug-in Display Issues on Windows: Cut Off or Too Large

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