All BIAS AMP Series hardware (BIAS MINI Guitar/Bass and BIAS Head/Rack) come with a free BIAS AMP 2 Pro Desktop license.
To get your BIAS AMP 2 Pro desktop license, you need to register your device to your Positive Grid/ToneCloud account.
Follow the steps below to proceed:
1. Make sure you already own a Positive Grid/ToneCloud account, you can sign up here:
2. Log in to our website and download the latest BIAS AMP 2 Desktop Software:
4. Log in to your Positive Grid/ToneCloud account in the BIAS AMP 2 Desktop software.
5. The registration notification will pop up, click on REGISTER to proceed:
6. Make sure your Positive Grid/ToneCloud account corresponds to the "Current Owner Account".
7. Registration is now completed. The BIAS AMP 2 Desktop license has been transferred to your ToneCloud account.
Navigate to top right Setting Menu-App Information to check your license tier.
*Please note that the BIAS AMP 2 Desktop license will be locked to your BIAS AMP 2 Series hardware unit (MINI Guitar/Bass and BIAS Head/Rack) upon completing the aforementioned registration process. If you decide to put up your unit for sale, please make sure that you write to us first to deactivate your license from your Positive Grid/ToneCloud account before selling your hardware unit to the new owner. By doing so, the new owner will be able to register his/her account and obtain the license.
**If you’re looking to purchase a used BIAS AMP Series hardware, please ask the previous owner to send us a request to have his/her license deactivated, ensuring that you can register to obtain the license.
***You can also register via the BIAS AMP 2 iPhone/iPad app, check this tutorial:
Free BIAS AMP 2 iPad/iPhone for BIAS amplifier users
**** If you've done the registration but are still in the circle trying to register, please write to us here: will deactivate your BIAS Head/Rack to ensure that you can go through the registration process again to avoid any unexpected errors.