Connect Spark Control X to Spark 40/MINI/GO

Before connecting the Spark Control X to Spark 40/MINI/GO, please ensure:

1. Update the Spark app to the latest version.
See also: 
Spark Amp Editor App Update History / Release Notes (iOS)
Spark Amp Editor App Update History / Release Notes (Android)

  1. Connect the mobile device to the Spark Amp within the Spark app (Tone Control).

  2. Turn on the Spark Control X by pressing the power button, and the "CONNECT" indicator will start blinking in blue.

  3. Navigate back to the Spark app and tap on the “+ Spark Control” below the product card.

  4. The Spark app will automatically search and connect to Spark Control X.

Please note that to use Spark Control X with Spark 40, Spark MINI, or Spark GO, it’s essential to keep the Spark app running in the foreground and maintain the connection between the Spark amp and the Spark app.

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